
Medical Syringe Assembly Machine

Medical Vial Assembly Machine adapt automation

Hopper and bowl feed syringe plungers through an inline track to a dead track where they are picked and placed 2 up into a double nest on a 24 position indexed dial plate. Hopper and bowl feed, and 2 up places lower and upper O-rings on plungers. Hopper and bowl feeds, and lubricates the inside of (2-up) syringe barrels, and places the syringe barrels on plungers. Hopper and bowl feed needle-in-hubs and 2 up places needles on barrels. Hopper and bowl feed and 2 up places vented caps on needle-in-hubs. Rejected parts are offloaded into a chute. Good parts are offloaded into a track system for conveyance to a bagging machine.

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